Sunday, February 05, 2006

2/5/06 Show Prep

Patrick Reusse will be a guest at 1:07
Mark Ritchie will call in for "Candidate Getting to know you"
...His Sec of State website
...My analysis of his platform

Super Bowl XL
My prediction
Super Bowl Trivia
Super Bowl home site
Great analysis
Position by position breakdown
Past Super Bowls

Coleen Rowley
Nazi Uniform scandal
Blame it on someone else
Blame it on someone else (Strib article
Her apology...what a sham
Kline's response to Rowley's apology
Rowley's response...the FIRST thing from Rowley's campaign about issues!!!
Apology on her website
6 Degrees, Rowley Style
Sheehan buddies up with Hugo Chavez
Rowley visits Moron Mommy
Unethical Decision Making Means Blame Delay
Marko enters race...McCollum was even offended by Nazi gambit
Marko has had it with Rowley

Cartoons...get a sense of humor!!
...Americans with no sense of humor
Joint Chiefs against Rumsfeld cartoon
Description of a Bush Bashing cartoon
Good comparison of reactions by hyper sensitive groups
Tom Toles' archive 2/1 is "offensive" one
...Muslims with no sense of humor
Idiot author talks about idiot reactions
Great insight on the aftermath of the reactions...also talks about Danish immigrations
Idiots' reactions
More idiots' reactions
"There should be a limit to press freedom"
...Should the Christians burn flags because of these:
Hello Jesus, Hello Mel and Hello Passion
Jesus press conference
Remember the reaction to this

State of the Union...all you need to know
It Sucks every year

Wetterling enters the 6th
Esmay's Reaction
Knolach's Reaction
Krinkie's Reaction
Why she is a dud candidate
Tinklenberg's view
Tiklenberg hard on Wetterling

The Real Solution
Dems did get Abramoff $
List of Abramoff money
Some positions of John Boehner, the new GOP Majority Leader
GOP Leader race wrap up
Another recap, less interesting (from NPR would you expect anything exciting?)


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